Top 30 Songs About Getting High by yours truly, Melysa Martinez, for Kroq Radio Station.
Archive for the ‘Art and Culture’ Category
Hey Ladies! Double-Click Your Mouse At Work with the G-Spot Mouse
I’ve often heard people discussing how our culture is afraid to look at a pussy. It’s true not many women are comfortable looking at their flower in the mirror — suffice it to say, we don’t all have the hairless, bleached out lips professional (not to be confused with amateur) porn stars flaunt — and it’s »
AYS Interview: Brian M. Viveros — A Sexy Shade of Dark
It’s easy to drift into a world of abstract interpretations when eyeing the work of Brian M. Viveros; the stories flourish from the details that lie among the exposed breasts, lit cigarettes, battle scars and inescapable, intense eyes of the heroines he conceives.
Today in WTF?! Nickelback Named “Band of the Decade” by Billboard
Billboard Magazine has named Nickelback the top group of the decade. How is this possible, you ask? Fuck if I know. I sure as hell never bought an album of theirs. As a matter of fact, I don’t know anyone who has — and I know people who’ve bought clown porn. Even clown fuckers aren’t crazy »
The Dead Weather for Warp Magazine
Because they are so fucking awesome, here are some pics of The Dead Weather for Warp Magazine. All I can is dear sweet Jesus, I hope Alison Mosshart happened to roll of bed for that shoot and that her hair wasn’t styled like that purposefully. It’s like they glued drain hair to her scalp. And Jack White just »
Teacher Suspended for Assigning Students a Chuck Palahniuk Book (It discusses masturbation… the horror!)
A teacher at The Bronx School of Finance, Greg Van Voorhis, has been suspended after students were assigned to read Chuck Palahniuk short story “Guts” in preparation for their English Regents exam. Principal Evan Schwartz reported Voorhis to the Department of Education because the short story, which was originally published in Playboy Magazine, is about a teenage »
Liz Phair’s Never-Before-Heard, Self-Produced Demos Released
Liz Phair’s unreleased, never-before-heard, self-produced cassette demos from 1991, the ones that landed her a deal with Matador Records, have finally been released! Check out to hear all the tracks. (Girly Sound was her original moniker way back in the day, before she sang under her name.) This truly was an unexpected surprise. Fuck, I can’t even »
Video of the Day: The Dick Towel
It might be said that I’m obsessed with It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, as evident by this being the third show-related post within a week. But really, one can never get enough It’s Always Sunny, can they?