Sad news today. Early Sunday morning, just past midnight, drummer Jerry Fuchs died after he fell down an elevator shaft. He was 34.
Fuchs is the drummer of incredible indie bans !!!, Maserati, and The Juan Maclean, among others. He also performed drums live with MSTRKRFT and LCD Soundsystem
According to police reports, Fuchs was attending a fundraiser in Williamsburg, NYC, when he and a friend got stuck in a freight elevator. Sources go on to say, the 34-year-old drummer and his friend opened the elevator door and tried jumping the 4 feet separating the elevator from the fifth floor.
While his friend made it safe, a piece of Fuch’s clothing was caught on the elevator. He fell and landed on the shaft.
The details at the New York Post.
You know what makes me the most sad? The fact that people like MJ, who were clearly loco en la cabeza, will get more press coverage than someone like Fuchs, of whom I’ve never read a single bad thing said about him.
I pretty much listen to !!! every single day, because it makes me want to smile and dance, and, in discovering this sad news now, I really regret not having seen Maserati with Mono when they last came through Atlanta.
But overall, for as sad an ending, I am certain that there will only be fond memories of Fuchs. And really, what people say about you in the end is a reflection of one’s legacy. And as far as I can see, Fuchs’ legacy will that of a talented man who was loved by many.
Rest in peace.