Into the bum sex? Then you may want to listen up. Two new research studies found using lube during anal sex may increase the receiving partner’s risk for sexually transmitted infections and HIV.
In one of the studies, researchers studied five water-based lubricants, and one silicone-based lubricant, for osmolarity, pH and viscosity (i.e., “slipperiness”) in order to determine which were the safest. The results: Stay the hell away from Astroglide and KY Jelly. You might as well drop an atomic bomb on the receiver’s rectal and cervical cells.
Instead of decreasing trauma to the anus, during testing some lubricants were found to tear and damage the epithelial cells (protective cells), leaving skin exposed and thus at a greater risk to receive an STI or HIV if their partner is infected.
According to the research study, “Astroglide was the most toxic to cells and tissues and KY Jelly had the worst effect on the good bacteria, essentially wiping out an entire colony.” A scary thought to anyone whose used both these products before. *bites nails* On the plus side, two products were found to have no toxicity or tearing: PRÈ and Wet Platinum.
All I’m going to say is, never underestimate what a little spit and a patient partner can accomplish.
Full results list below:
Tremendous advice at the end. Much appreciated
“All I’m going to say is, never underestimate what a little spit and a patient partner can accomplish.”
Pas the word along for me would yah?
Spit and patience… enough said. thank you!
I might be mistaken, but I believe those are some lyrics to a Guns N’ Roses song.
So is spit good or bad?
I’ve been wanting to try anal sex but years of moral indoctrination has left me less than timid.