Two California airports — San Francisco and Oakland international airports — have implemented policies allowing qualified passengers to fly with up to a half pound of marijuana.
“The policy [at Oakland International Airport] is spelled out in a three-page document quietly enacted last year by the Alameda County Sheriff’s Office,” Mercury News reported. “It states that if deputies determine someone is a qualified patient or primary caregiver as defined by California law and has eight ounces or less of the drug, he or she can keep it and board the plane.”
“Oakland’s airport policy was enacted in February 2008, but [Oakland attorney Robert] Raich said he didn’t want to publicize it until recently lest the Bush administration change federal regulations, or lest it become an issue in Obama administration drug officials’ confirmation hearings,” Mercury News added.
These two airports seem to have their priorities straight. Police have better things to worry about at an airport than whether some stoner has his his stash with him, such as those sticky-fingered TSA officers.
In going with the 420 state-of-mind, here are some premium nude pics of vintage stoner icon Milla Jovovich in the Fall/Winter issue of Purple.